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Hi there. My name is Rich Lemmermann. I am a 21+ years seasoned Microsoft Certified Engineer.  I currently hold my MCSE, MCSA, MCDBA, and MCP. I graduated from Stony Brook University in Dec of 2000 with a BS in Computer Science

I consider myself a student of life. I enjoy learning new things; especially, with digital toys. I have many opinions and passions, but I don’t regard them as gospel. Everyone has something valuable to offer.  One never knows what we might learn if we open our ears and allow someone to speak and express their ideas.

I do find it a personal challenge both professionally and personally to keep the bottom line of expenses down. It’s too easy to dismiss an issue and pay for ignorance. Google should be every Admin and person’s best friend

I love data. The more, the better. I very much enjoy data mining both the past and present.  Data –to me– paints a picture that you may not already know or have proof of.

I’m also a huge OS junkie. I have 4 [legal] OS choices at my boot up (and counting): Windows 10, 7 (vhd boot), Server 2008, and Debian. I do enjoy seeing how applications behave in each when I can.  I do silo out my specialty apps. For example, I have a Windows 7 VM that is strictly for .NET and Android development. Then I have another that is a Windows 7 VM that I call a “fun-box” or simply, a staging place. Why keep software if after I install it’s not a match?

“Making Things Work” – this is a mantra by which I live.

I am a native of Long Island, New York, but call Clay (Syracuse), New York, my home.

More often than naught, you can find me in #citrix, ##windows-server, and ##windows, #sql, #raspbian on IRC. My nick is PocketKnife

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